Q: I checked out the shipping ETA on the product page, but I need this item sooner! Can you ship it any faster?
A: our lead time for the order of standard products is 25-30 days, If you need order faster than what is estimated, we could do our best to expedite the delivery to catch up with your shipping schedule, meanwhile, we also could propose all some better solutions for your option.

Q: How do I know if your product listings are accurate?
A: We have a lot of item data constantly being updated! Sometimes this may lead to issues like inaccurate product information, incorrect pricing or outdated product availability. We apologize for those issues, but we could ensure the products in our catalog and website which all are producible, we always could propose you the alternative items even if there are some items which materials have MOQ demands from our suppliers .

Q: What is the warranty coverage for the items I’m interested in?
A: Most of our products have warranties on manufacturing defects. Some products also offer a complete warranty of 5 years from the invoice date of the shipment. These warranties vary from item to item! Which may be mentioned on the product listing, for any further queries, contact us regarding this and we will be happy to help.

Q: Do you only sell genuine products?
A: Yes! We are proud to only sell only the best quality authentic products. Counterfeits are not allowed on our website.

Q: Do you sell parts or SKD?
A: we always not sell the products by SKD, because we are professional lighting manufacturer for project lighting suppliers, all of our lighting parts are produced by private tooling, If you ordered an item from us and need a replacement part outside of warranty coverage, we are happy to help you place a replacement parts order!

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